Iranian Knowledge-Based Firm Produces Anti-Corrosion Polyurethane Coatings

Iranian Knowledge-Based Firm Produces Anti-Corrosion Polyurethane Coatings

TEHRAN (ANA)- An Iranian knowledge-based company manufactured anti-corrosion polyurethane coatings that are highly used in different industries.
News ID : 895

Paya Pooshesh Ahoora Company unveiled the products during the Islamic Azad University’s Asreh Omid Event which was held in late May in Tehran’s Grand Mosalla.

Polyurethane coatings are often used for the corrosion protection of steel because they are particularly economical to apply, Shahabeddin Ayatizadeh, the company’s managing director told ANA.

The coatings dry quickly and can therefore be over-coated in short intervals. They can also be applied independently of the weather conditions and are resistant to impact.

Many industries are grappling with the problem of corrosion. “The anti-corrosion polyurethane coatings were welcomed by the industries to the extent that in the last six months, we signed contracts with industries amounting to 150 billion Rials (about $500,000),” he explained.

We have managed to indigenize the polymer coating products, obtaining technical knowledge for formulating and producing.

It does not have any similar counterparts inside the country, but it has foreign counterparts, he said, adding that many countries in the world manufacture the products.

Corrosion is the biggest problem of all industries in the world. To deal with the problem, the surfaces of equipment, facilities, and infrastructure must be covered by special materials, including polymer coatings, to prevent moisture, oxygen, and any factor that causes corrosion.

In addition to being elastic, the polymer coatings have high mechanical resistance, he noted, meaning that it resists wear, impact, scratches, and generally any kind of force that is applied.

Another advantage is that it is durable. It has good chemical resistance, allowing it to be used in environments such as sewage, water softener facilities, and oil, gas, and petrochemical industries.

These coatings are also used in the aviation industry, Ayatizadeh said.

They can be used as a floor covering in airplane hangars, as roof insulation, or in the military and defense industries to make the equipment resistant to explosions.

Military industries or other sensitive industries include a number of buildings and inside the buildings, there is equipment that is very vital and key for the country.

So, such buildings are covered completely from the outside so that even if they blow up the wall, all the equipment will remain intact, he concluded.

More than 7,000 knowledge-based companies have so far been registered and are now operating across the country.

The companies are mainly active in the fields of biotechnology, agriculture, food, steel, gas, pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, oil, electronics, telecommunications, information technology, and computer.


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